Get the U.S. Supreme Court to eliminate firearms bans in MA and nationwide!

You must take the below action by September 7th, 2024.

There are two cases recently filed in the U.S. Supreme Court that could impact our right to keep and bear arms in MA as well as nationwide.

One is Snope v. Brown, which challenges “assault weapon” bans. We in MA urgently need the U.S. Supreme Court to strike down such bans, as that would free us to purchase, sell, and possess most or all of the firearms that are allowed throughout the rest of the country. The other case is Oakland Tactical Supply v. Howell Township. That case challenges bans on firearms training ranges. 

But the Supreme Court receives thousands of such petitions each year and can only grant certiorari (i.e. a review and ruling) on a tiny percentage of them. We MA residents can dramatically increase the odds of the Supreme Court granting a ruling on those cases and favorably affecting our right to keep and bear arms in MA by filing what’s called an amicus curiae brief. 

MA resident and constitutional rights advocate Mike Bush has done most of the work for us at no charge. He has learned the Supreme Court’s relevant rules, written the amicus curiae brief for us (which eliminates thousands of dollars we would otherwise have to pay an attorney to write it), provided the required advance notification to the parties’ attorneys, is coordinating with members of the Supreme Court bar to electronically file the brief, and arranged for the necessary specialized printing service to meet the Supreme Court’s peculiar requirements. 

Though Mike has eliminated most of the expense, there are still printing costs and a minimal fee from a member of the Supreme Court bar totaling roughly $3,000.

Take this action by September 7th:

If you would like to add your name to our amici curiae brief in the Snope v. Brown “assault weapons” ban case, please email Mike at by September 5th with:

  1. Your full legal name 
  2. Confirm that you are a U.S. citizen
  3. Confirm that you are a resident of Massachusetts
  4. Confirm that you are not legally barred by past criminal convictions from keeping and bearing arms
  5. Donate towards the costs by either using Zelle via your bank account to send the donation to Mike’s cell phone at 508-733-5147 or mail him a check to:

Michael Bush

280 Lowell Street

Carlisle MA 01741

Click here to read the brief Mike prepared for us in the Snope v. Brown “assault weapon ban” case.

If he receives enough donations, Mike will also prepare and file a similar brief to support the Oakland Tactical Supply case challenging bans on firearms training ranges.